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Our Story

Growing up amidst the serene countryside of a small rural town in Wisconsin, my mother
and grandmother instilled in me a deep passion for all things connected to nature, particularly gardening. From this humble beginning, I developed an unwavering appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.

Fast forward to today—married with three beautiful children, our family of five found a new home in the enchanting Pensacola Beach, Florida. Instantly captivated by the beach and its laid-back lifestyle, I embraced a more natural approach to the foods we eat and the products we use on our bodies.

With this newfound perspective, Coastal Nest Soaps was born. My desire was simple: to blend the most effective elements found in nature, creating soaps free from harsh chemicals, preservatives, and artificial dyes.

What sets our products apart? It's our unwavering commitment to quality ingredients!

We use natural, environmentally friendly components with meticulous care. Fueled by thorough research, we handcraft gentle, balanced, and effective soaps. Every product is a testament to our dedication to using only the finest ingredients.

Reconnect with nature, nurturing both your inner and outer beauty. Indulge in the goodness of honey, botanical herbs, roots, flowers, butters, and essential oils. Heal your skin and rejuvenate your spirit by choosing Coastal Nest Soaps.

As always, thank you for supporting my small business. Live by the currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun.